What About Dinosaurs?


This book will challenge your thinking about the theory of evolution, creation science, millions of year, the Bible and what happened to all those dinosaurs. The Bible is clear regarding God the creator and when He created everything. Exodus 20:11 says, “For in six days the Lord made the heavens, and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them.” So, what is your world-view? Either you believe what the Bible says, or you don’t. Either, dinosaurs existed with mankind, or the Bible is wrong. And, either the world is billions of years old or is it merely thousands of years old. One view is a lie, and the other is the truth. The secular world, evolutionists and some Christians will tell you that dinosaurs when extinct 65 million years ago. The other view holds the Word of God to be the truth and declares that dinosaurs existed with mankind. One view is a lie and deceptive, and the other is the absolute truth. So, what about dinosaurs? In this book author Danny Formhals Sr. explains dinosaurs in a simple understandable way.