Our Pastor

Danny Formhals was saved at the age of eight and began attending Northeast Assembly of God in Fresno, CA. In his sophomore year of High School, he began attending The Peoples Church, where he was greatly influenced by the ministry of Dennis Smith, the youth pastor. It was there, under Dennis’ ministry, that Danny felt God’s call to ministry.

He began attending Bethany College of the A/G in 1987, where he traveled with one of the P.R. Teams. He also spent 3 ½ years working with the Jr. High at Bethel Church of San Jose where Scott Hagan was the Youth Pastor. During his time at Bethany he met his late-wife, Michele. They married in 1990 and Danny accepted his first position as a youth pastor, at Evangel Community Church in Sunnyvale, CA. In December of 1992 Danny and Michele accepted the invitation of Pastor Bob Fort to become youth pastors at First Assembly of God in Salinas, CA, where they spent the next ten years.

The first four years in Salinas were filled with the emotional ups and downs and spiritual highs and lows most youth pastors experience. The youth group grew steadily but there were no major breakthroughs. In the fall of 1996, the Formhals’ were invited to join Luke Barnett as his youth pastors in Fairfield, OH, and flew there seeking God’s direction and perfect will. Flying home from Ohio Danny turned to Michele and said; “I don’t think God is through with us in Salinas.” Michele agreed. This decision, to obey God’s direction and stay in Salinas, in spite of the prestigious opportunity and lucrative position being offered them, marked a turning point in their lives and ministry.

Within weeks of returning to Salinas a sovereign, supernatural move of God began to sweep through the youth services on a weekly basis, resulting in four and five-hour youth services where God dramatically touched hundreds of youth (and their parents). Within a month’s time the hallways were filled with people who could not get into the crowded youth room and a spirit of revival overflowed into the Sunday services. It would be impossible to detail all that God did in the months that followed; suffice it to say that this revival lasted well over five years with young people filling the front rows of the church Sunday after Sunday and whole families being impacted and transformed by the move of God’s Spirit.

In December of 2002, ten years and one day after coming to Salinas, Danny and Michele bid a tearful farewell to their church family in Salinas and stepped into a new arena of ministry they felt God calling them to. That step of faith led to an expansion of their ministry as they traveled throughout the west coast in full-time evangelism; singing, preaching and using drama to share God’s Word.

In January 2005, Danny and Michele were invited to serve at Pastor Abundant Life Center in McKinleyville, California. During their time there, after Michele bravely battled cancer six times, she passed away. Ten years and five months of faithful ministry later, Danny found love again when he met Suzy from New Jersey. They fell in love and were married a year later. In January 2016, Danny and Suzy took on the role of Senior Pastors at Weed Assembly of God church in Weed, CA. After almost four years, they felt led to move on and found a warm and welcoming congregation at Highway Worship Center in Fruitland, Idaho.

Their current ministry at Highway Worship Center is filled with various outreach projects and dedicated prayer. Danny leads a weekly Tuesday Revival prayer time and hosts a podcast channel called TruthForward. He also officiates High School sports, enjoys riding his Harley-Davidson, and continues to write books.

Danny has authored over 35 books; including his first book, Moments of Truth And, his 6th Christian Fiction book Strange Phenomenon’s. Danny’s latest projects include: Standing Strong in a Weak World and Why Jesus Loves You So Much.

(See our store for many of Pastor Danny's books)